Filmnagar (Story Revival Ki) is a satirical play that throws light on different eras of the Pakistani cinema through characters and talks about the issues that revolve around the revival of the cinema. The play is about the son of Mr Era and Ms Story, who once earned the title of ‘Golden Era’. Under the influence of bad company, Mr Era weds Formula Jee, a character in the play, loses fame and fortune and becomes Gaiyra. With the passage of time, Gaiyra realises his mistake, sends his son, Revival, abroad to become knowledgeable and regain the lost lustre of their home, Filmnagar. Upon his return, they realize that he does not fit in their expectations at all. Moreover, he weds Drama against their will and is asked to leave home. With a pledge to prove himself and get back to Filmnagar, Revival tries his luck, but Public rejects him and he fails. Under the influence of his wife, Drama, and infamous gangster, Bollywood, he further loses his identity and then how he revives himself is a worth to watch.
Premier: February 2020
Written By: Ahsan Afzal
Directed By: Aamir Nawaz & Rabia Hassan